Drain tile

Are you tired of dealing with waterlogged basements, damp crawl spaces, and water seepage issues? A drain tile could be the solution you need. It is made of perforated pipes for the water to flow and get away from the foundation!

In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover what drain tile is, how it works, why it is a vital investment for your property, and how much it usually costs.

What Is A Drain Tile?

Despite its name, drain tile is not made of ceramic tiles, but is rather a pipe system designed to efficiently manage water and prevent it from accumulating around your foundation.  Also known as a French drain or perimeter drain, the foundation drain tile is a drainage system installed around the foundation of a building to redirect groundwater away from the house's structure. 

It is typically placed below the ground level and strategically positioned to capture excess water before it can cause damage to your property. You know that anything you have to do when having water damage can be a real headache, right?

What Does A Drain Tile Look Like?

Drain tile around a rock terrain

A drain tile system is often made of a durable and perforated plastic or PVC pipe. The pipe has tiny holes or perforations along its length, which allows the water to enter it easily, and enables the drain system to collect and redirect water effectively. 

It is usually covered with a layer of gravel or aggregate material that acts as a filter, preventing soil particles from clogging the pipe while still allowing water to flow freely.

How Does Drain Tile Work?

The primary function of drain tile is to create a path of least resistance for water, ensuring it does not pool around your foundation. The drain tile system goes into action when heavy rain or excess groundwater accumulates around a home.

Water seeps into the perforated pipe and is channeled away from your property, leading it to a designated drainage area, such as a storm sewer or a sump pump system. 

By efficiently managing water flow, drain tile safeguards your foundation against water damage, prevents basement flooding, and helps maintain a stable structural integrity for your home. Therefore, it is possible to have a basement drain tile or a drain tile in the yard!

How Much Does A Drain Tile System Cost?

On average, a basic drain tile installation for an average-sized home can range from $ 2,000 to $ 6,000, but the real cost depends on several factors, including the size of the property, the extent of the water issue, and the type of drain tile. 

While this may seem like a significant investment, consider it an essential safeguard against potential water-related damages that could cost you much more in the long run. The peace of mind and protection it provides for your home and belongings make it a worthwhile expenditure.

You can either invest in drain tile and protect your home or deal with water damage restoration at huge prices and troubles later on. Wisercosts' contractors will be there to help you out in both cases!