The most recommended dog urine-resistant grass types for pet owners are Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Centipede, and Bermuda. However, before deciding which one to plant, you need to be sure it is suited to your environment.
Some types are resistant to heat and cold and do not need a lot of maintenance, while others require more attention and upkeep. Need some help to choose? Keep reading this article.
Can Dog Pee Kill Grass?
Yes! Your four-legged friend “nature’s call” can damage the grass. If the dog keeps peeing on the same spot regularly, the grass will eventually die, and when you see brown patches, believe it: it is already dead.
There is not much you can do in that case, except reseeding the spot if the plant does not spread itself, but there are other alternatives before reaching this point listed right below.
Why Does Dog Urine Kill Grass?
Urine is a nitrogen-rich substance that, in high concentration, is harmful to plants. Nitrogen itself is used in many fertilizers, as it is a necessary chemical for plants’ natural cycles, but as a urine compound it “works” differently.
The yard fertilizers are normally evenly applied through the land, and that is not the case with your dog’s favorite peeing spot as the concentrated amount of nitrogen from it ends up killing the grass.
How To Neutralize Dog Urine On Grass Naturally?
The best way to neutralize your dog’s pee is to water the places where the pet usually chooses to urinate. This dilutes the nitrogen in the urine, making it less harmful for the plants, and avoiding those unwanted brown or yellow patches.
Another option is to have a specific place in your yard for the dog to pee – on a patch of gravel or mulch. You can encourage this behavior by training it every day, but there are also non-toxic pheromone yard stakes that can aid you with the task.
And give your dog water to drink during the day!
What Can I Give To My Dog To Neutralize His Urine?
The answer is simple: water. By making your pet drink more during the day, his urine will become less concentrated, making the chemicals in it less capable of damaging your lawn. Supplements on the market can also help you with that, but they can be costly and always need to be approved by a vet.
You can also try types of grass that are resistant to dog urine. What about it?
Is There A Grass That Is Resistant To Dog Urine?
Yes, there are a few dog pee-resistant grass types. The best ones nowadays are Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Zoysia, Ryegrass, Centipede, and Bermuda. To choose the one consider the weather, its maintenance costs, and its ability to spread without needing to be reseeded.
6 Dog Urine Resistant Grass Options
Read more about the main types of dog pee-resistant grass!
1. Fescue
There are many types of Fescue grass, and they are all well known for their tolerance of natural hazards, such as drought, heavy rain, temperature changes, and dog urine. A suitable choice for owners that want a low-maintenance yard.
2. Kentucky Bluegrass
The Kentucky Bluegrass is another great candidate for a dog-friendly lawn. It is resistant to dog urine, human steps, and animal walks, but has a soft texture which makes it perfect for places where people are going to walk barefoot.
3. Zoysia
The Zoysia varieties of grass have a high drought tolerance. The plant settles on earth by rhizomes, a type of root that can spread itself. This is helpful as it can recover dead patches without you needing to intervene.
4. Ryegrass
Also known as Perennial Ryegrass, this variety grows fast from seeding and blends very well with other types of grass. The ideal choice for recovering dead patches of lawn.
5. Centipede
Most known for its little or no maintenance required, the Centipede grass is an excellent option for your lawn. It's low handling – which significantly compensates the fact that this type is not hardy as other ones.
6. Bermuda
Most suitable for places where you expect people and animals to walk around, the Bermuda grass requires high maintenance because it needs a higher amount of nutrients to grow and stay green.
Well, if you ask…
What Type Of Grass Is Most Resistant To Dog Urine?
Of all the types available in the market, Fescue and Ryegrass are the most resistant to the effects of dog urine. Sometimes it is even good when they get peed on.
And before you go…
How Much Does Dog Urine Resistant Grass Cost?
Planting grass seed resistant to dog urine can be an expensive investment, with the cost ranging between $ 300 to $ 1,000 depending on the size of the land and the grass type.
If you wish to keep your lawn lush and green, call one of our lawn maintenance specialists. We assure you will find the best results for the best price!