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What is the price for tile reglazing in Doe Hill VA?

Home Remodeling & Home Services Cost Estimates

square feet

Reglazed Surface Labor
Direct labor expenses to reglaze tile.
21.4 hours $522.24 $1,093.79
Reglazed Surface Job Materials and Supplies
Cost of supplies that may be required to reglaze tile including: connectors, fasteners, and adhesives.
200 square feet $234.02 $253.42
Total Cost to Reglaze Tiling
215 square feet $756.26 $1,347.21
  Average cost per square foot $3.78 $6.73

This is an estimate. You can get an accurate quote for your project from a Doe Hill tile work pro.

Cost to Reglaze Tiling - 2024 Cost Calculator

To Reglaze Tiling in Doe Hill you should expect to pay in the range of $756.26 to $1,347.21. What we use to calculate Doe Hill Tile Reglazing estimates is average material costs, average hourly labor wages and labor productivity rates. To get a more accurate estimate on your Tile Reglazing in Doe Hill project:

1. Pick the Location of the Project
2. Tell us the size of your Project
3. Click the "Calculate" button

Average Cost per square foot for Tile Reglazing in Doe Hill

The average cost to Reglaze Tiling in Doe Hill 2024 is $3.78 to $6.73 per square foot. Always make sure to make all hiring decisions carefully and to make sure the contractor is fully insured, bonded and licensed. It is a good idea to check references and verify prior work quality.
If you want to receive the best value on Doe Hill Tile Reglazing projects always make sure to receive project estimates from several contractors.

Cost Breakdown for Tile Reglazing in Doe Hill

  1. Direct labor costs to Reglaze Tiling in Doe Hill - between $522.24 and $1,093.79.
  2. Cost of all materials and supplies which may be necessary for Tile Reglazing , which may include: - between $234.02 and $253.42.

What the Doe Hill Tile Reglazing Estimate Includes:

  1. Costs associated with worksite preparation for the Tile Reglazing in Doe Hill project, which may include any costs for materials, components, protection of existing structures and finishes.
  2. Costs for all local Doe Hill materials and equipment delivery to the work site.
  3. Costs for junk/debris removal and job cleanup after project completion.
  4. Hourly charges, labor setup and mobilization time that are usually associated with Tile Reglazing projects.

What the Tile Reglazing Estimate Does Not Include:

  1. Any fees for permits or inspection which may be required for the project by the Doe Hill building department.
  2. Virginia and Doe Hill sales taxes on supplies and materials.
  3. Any general contractor fees for supervision of the Doe Hill Tile Reglazing project. Please add 12% to 20% to the total cost shown above if you will be hiring a general contractor to supervise this project.

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