Now that summer is here, many homeowners are searching for ceiling fan installation costs or requesting quotes for replacing a ceiling fan that has succumbed to wear and tear.

One of the reasons for that is that ceiling fans offer excellent air circulation technology at a fraction of the cost it takes to keep the home cool during the season, so it’s a very popular choice throughout the country. 

Today, I will share all the details about ceiling fan installation cost so you can make an informed decision! 

What is the Cost of a Ceiling Fan?

If you’re in the market for a new ceiling fan, realize that you’ll have to make a few considerations in the process, including the size of your space as well as your home’s unique needs. 

First, you’ll need to decide on a size. For instance, if you want to regulate the temperature of a 300 square foot room then you need a fan with 52-inch blades to get the job done right for you. 

However, if you’re looking to regulate temperatures in a larger space then you can go up to a 62-inch blade span or even larger depending on how high your ceilings are, since that affects the fan’s efficiency. 

In addition to the blade size, you must also check if the fan comes with an integrated light fixture. If it doesn’t come with an LED model, then make an effort to replace it with one, as they’re energy-efficient, cost-effective and long-lasting

Also, make sure that the ceiling fan uses a DC motor to operate as it’s more affordable and efficient. 

Some models even feature a convenient wall switch with adjustable speeds to help better control the fan and room temperatures. If yours don’t, you can always get the help of a local electrician to install that for you.

If you’ve checked all of these points off of your list, then you’re ready to start shopping for your ideal ceiling fan. It doesn’t matter if you choose a model with contemporary design or a charming rusting fan. Make sure that it matches with your home’s overall aesthetic. 

When it comes to ceiling fan cost, the fan alone can set you back anything from $85 to $375, depending on the size, quality, and features. 

Ceiling Fan Installation Cost

For best results, we recommend that you leave the installation process to the professionals, especially when considering how complex ceiling fan wiring can be. 

The amount it costs to hire a professional to do it will depend on a number of factors, including whether or not your ceiling is already prepared to have a fan installed or if they’ll need to arrange that. 

Basically, the more time, effort, and tools it takes to install the ceiling fan, the more expensive it becomes. 

According to industry experts, fan installation typically costs $100 to $150 excluding the price of purchasing the fan. This is not a fixed number though, and it can fluctuate depending on the size of the room, for instance. 

For best results, ask for a quote from an electrician or two before you commit and compare. Most electricians have a flat rate that they can quote from the top of their heads because it’s a fairly common request that they get. Plus, it’s not that time consuming and it usually doesn’t take more than an hour to complete. 

Once you figure out the installation cost of each ceiling fan, you’ll be better equipped to start shopping for a fan in earnest, based on a sound budget that suits your pocket and your style. 

Contact a local electrician to learn more about ceiling fan installation costs and request a free quote!